Stay flexible with your goals

Have you ever had trouble meeting a goal? Near the end of the UofL spring semester this year, I got an email from a competition.  I thought, why not?  I spent a couple of days picking out repertoire and then once the semester was over, I launched into...

How to avoid losing your voice

While most instrumentalists fear overuse and the muscle pain associated with it, vocalists see overuse manifest itself in them losing their voices.  Again, the best defense is good technique, but illness or overuse will compromise even the best technique. My...

How to recover from overuse

I’ve written several articles about practicing now.  As you increase the number of hours spent at your instrument, you increase your risk of injury.  The number 1 defense against this is good technique, yet even if you have great technique, you can still...

The importance of processes

So in my last 2 posts, I shared the processes that I have developed for score study, practicing piano, and practicing singing.  These are very specific processes that are only applicable to musicians.  But developing processes in general is a very important tactic...

How to practice singing

I have also developed a practice process for singing. It’s a bit of a different animal from playing the piano. First off, there are a couple of additional score study steps: 1-I generally ask my students to mark their breath plan and mark the word emphasis...

How to practice piano

For those of you left curious by my last post, here’s my score-study process: 1-If I’m dealing with a digital score, I crop and straighten every page so that I’m not dealing with straining to read tiny notes or crooked pages. 2-I slash out all the tied notes. (I don’t...