How to practice singing

I have also developed a practice process for singing. It’s a bit of a different animal from playing the piano. First off, there are a couple of additional score study steps: 1-I generally ask my students to mark their breath plan and mark the word emphasis...

How to practice piano

For those of you left curious by my last post, here’s my score-study process: 1-If I’m dealing with a digital score, I crop and straighten every page so that I’m not dealing with straining to read tiny notes or crooked pages. 2-I slash out all the tied notes. (I don’t...

Practicing is just as mental as it is physical.

You read that correctly.  While I do have a chart of recommended amounts of daily practice time on my studio policies page, that’s just a basic guideline.  Because it’s not so much about the quantity as the quality.  Well, ok, if you don’t put in the quantity, you...